Mariam Josie Foundation

Join us to change the world a little by little ------

Our mission at the Mariam Josie Foundation is to raise the standard for better educational experience for children most in need and supporting vulnerable children and their families living in rural parts of The Gambia.


Your generous donation will help us to add value to the life of a vulnerable child and their communities with sustainable water projects, education and food supplies.  Your donation directly go to the  beneficiary and impacts our ability to continue our mission.

Every year we deliver a specific product, service or project to the communities we serve and in most need. Please take a look at the campaigns that are dear to our hearts. These are one-off annual projects you can help support or get involved with.

Booke hero 

About ths campaign

This campaign is very close to our hearts as we know that education gives us an advantage to a brighter future. This is why we would love to raise enough money for each child to have their own subject books as well as to establish a school library with brand-new books, activities, and games to enjoy and develop a lifelong passion for learning.

Become a book hero and help children and their families get reading
